How to deal with WARTS in kids

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Back to school health check for kids includes a healthy skin check – Warts are a viral infection which is a harmless yet common annoyance that can occur on any part of the skin, often seen on the hands. Since they can spread via touch, parents and educators are interested in anything that can be done to help kids recover from warts.

These are the proactive strategies for Warts using Naturopathic medicine which is

Safe, Natural and Effective

  • Palatable herbal medicines are anti-viral against the virus that causes warts
  • Natural Medicines can stimulate the immune system to help fight the virus
  • Anti-viral herbal cream can be applied to warts directly as part of a treatment plan

Contact Moruya Natural Therapies to make an appointment with a Naturopath to treat your child’s warts.

#TIP    The Royal Children’s hospital has a great fact sheet on childhood warts. They suggest that waterproof tape (duct tape) can be used to prevent spread of the virus.