Natural health strategies to achieve your goals

5. Best patient care & outcomes

Up to date knowledge of the most effective evidence based health solutions, support, education and inspiration using common sense and sustainable techniques.

4. Actively practicing integrative medicine

To ensure the very best patient care, Jacqui works closely and actively collaborates with medical and other health care professionals.

3. Thorough holistic health investigation

Both medical (e.g. pathology tests) and traditional forms of diagnosis (e.g. Iridology) are used in consultation. The combination of the best of evidence based medicine and traditional health care ensures best patient outcomes.

2. Effective results

Jacqui prescribes effective, therapeutically potent herbal and nutritional medicines and offers proven, evidence based advice on your daily activities and the food that you eat, while remaining sensitive to your lifestyle.

1. What to expect

A thorough health investigation, specialised education strategies and proven, effective natural medicines.

Naturopathic treatment aims to relieve your symptoms naturally and restore your whole health, leaving you feeling great and with the tools to maintain good health.

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