Too stressed for self care?

To Stressed for Self care (3)

After 17 years of a special interest in mental health, I have found people commonly say they know what to do to support their mental health, however they are either just too overwhelmed for self-care or the techniques make too little difference in the face of how they feel.

Book a consultation with Jacqui for effective natural solutions for stress, anxiety, sadness and depression, fatigue or general health symptoms that are stopping you from effectively applying self-care measures. Call Moruya Natural Therapies on (02) 44742544





Iridology – Discover what your eye tells you about your health

The detailed study of your iris can provide an insight into your individual constitutional tendencies towards health and disease.

The iris is seen as an image or mirror of the whole body. The colours, fibre texture and pattern and specific markings of the iris correspond to organs and structures of the body.

This study provides us with information that determines the persons inherited and acquired constitution, as well as the level of functioning of their tissues, cells, metabolic systems and organs.

Iridology does not diagnose specific illnesses, but rather gives us an understanding of the individual’s tendencies toward health and illness.

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